A mock job interview

Career services are available for employment following graduation or for part-time or temporary employment during the school year. Services include resume and credential file preparation, interview practice, and business etiquette, coordination of on-campus interviews with company representatives, and the ability to register with the active registrant list (for education students), which can be made available to employers upon their request.

Job Openings

CSC Student Jobs

Student jobs are listed on the CSC Human Resources page.

External Job Postings

Chadron State College is using the Handshake recruiting platform.  To activate your account, visit: http://app.joinhandshake.com/edu?lor=1&utm_source=mass_mailer&utm_medium=email&utm_content=1018371&utm_campaign=uni_targeted_emails

 Guidance for using Handshake to recruit can be found here:


Career Fairs


  • October 29, 2025, 10-2 in the Student Center Ballroom

All students in all majors are invited to attend the annual Career Fair. Recruiters will be looking for potential employees and interns as well as being willing to talk to students about their career fields. Those looking for career and employment opportunities are advised to dress professionally and bring resumes. Those looking to explore career fields are encouraged to come as well. All are invited to meet the recruiters who will represent a wide variety of career fields including Education.  There will no longer be a separate event for educators.  


Recruiters are asked to register to attend.

Teacher Interview Day

We will no longer be holding a separate spring event for Teacher Interview Day.  Administrators are invited to participate in the general Career Fair held in the Fall. 

Annual Placement Reports

All graduates are asked to respond to the Annual Placement Report. The results of this survey are very important to Chadron State College so please take a moment to complete yours after graduating. Please see the Annual Placement Report for more information.

Placement Reports

Credential Files

CSC no longer maintains credential files, but suggest that you set up your own Self-Managed Credential file.

The following information will help you set up your file:

  • Self-Managed Credential File Contents
    • Cover sheet – “Personalized: Self-Managed Credentials for ……”
    • Letter of Application & Resume – see our webpages:Tips and ToolsResume Writing
    • Copy of student teaching evaluation (if recent)
    • Non-confidential reference letters – 3-5 letters, no more than 5 year’s old
    • PRAXIS scores
    • Unofficial college transcripts
  • Information to include
    • Full name
    • Address
    • Email address
    • Certification area(s)
    • Student Teaching information
  • Recommendation Letters (References) – Who to ask
    • Cooperating teacher (if within the last 3-5 years)
    • Supervising teach (if within the last 3-5 years)
    • Professor from college
    • Current or former principal/curriculum director/department chair
    • Summer employer from coaching, etc.

Maintain & update your Self-Managed Credentials to keep them available when needed.

Tips and Tools

Resume Writing

A good resume is imperative when seeking a job or internship! The resume shows your qualifications and hopefully gets you a job interview. Most employers spend less than five minutes reviewing resumes so make sure yours is outstanding!

Employers seek talented candidates who are creative, free thinkers. Keep in mind that a “fill-in-the-blank” resume undercuts the very image you are attempting to create. Suggestion: don't use a resume Wizard to create your resume. Instead, use the tips below to begin your new resume or to polish your existing resume.



Interviewing is both art and science. To be most successful, understand the process, prepare for known situations, and anticipate the next move.

The purpose of an interview between a candidate and a prospective employer is to exchange information. Candidates have particular qualifications, skills and strengths to offer and prospective employers want to purchase certain qualifications, skills and strengths that will fill their needs. Candidates and employers must be certain that the match is correct.


Information used by permission from Indiana University-Southeast.

Deena Kennell, Director
Internships and Career Services
P: (308) 432-6467